brews with a one-off commemorative beer that is sure to have both beer and sci-fi geeks all in a lather.
brewed with pale malts, so the hops can really do the talking,”he says. “We loaded up the
kettle and the fermenter with an unprecedented – for Holgate – quantity of Millennium, Falconers Flight and Galaxy hops, pushing the IBUs up to 100.”
The Millennium Falcon Empirial IPA will be landing on shelves in 500ml
bottles and on tap at better good bars after the 1st of March.
And to celebrate Holgate will be
launching the beer with events in Melbourne, Woodend and Brisbane. The Melbourne Launch will be on Friday 1 March in St Kilda, while on Monday 4 March, Holgate Brewhouse, Woodend will host a party for their faithful locals (and any
lucky visitors) who will get a free pot of Millennium with any pot or pint of Holgate
ordered between 4-6 pm. And lucky Brisbanites can head down to Archive Beer Boutique on Thursday 7 March for a free event kicking off at 7pm, no bookings required.
Most importantly: if you’re attending any of these events you will need to dust off your lightsaber and start rocking those donut buns… Star Wars costumes are a (non-compulsory) must.