6th May 2011
Beer & Brewer is pleased to announce that Beer & Brewer magazine is now available to view as a Digital Editiorn, via the Apple iTunes App Store, compatible with iPhone and iPad platforms.
The App costs AUD$3.99 which comes witha choice of a free issue. Subscriptions are discounted from the printed magazine rates, starting at AUD$24.99 for 1 year (5 issues).Purchasers can choose to start their subscription from the current issue onwards or backwards to view available back issues. An App for other platfroms such as Android are not currently available, however will be in the near future.
This App will complement the printed magazine, providing users with the option to view the magazine online and ideally attracting people that don’t currently purchase the printed version. Some advantages of viewing the magazine via the App is it hasmore photos from events, such as from our Issue partiesand includes advertisers’ TV ads and videos, able to be viewed by clicking on their ads in the magazine.
Back in November 2007, Beer & Brewer conducted a Reader Survey, which included the following question and results:
Would you rather read the magazine in: (274 respondents)
- Print 62.77%
- Online 2.92%
- Both 34.31%
This was a good sign for theprint magazine, while showing an interest in reading content online aswell, although only 3% would prefer to read online.It would be interesting to see what Readers think, in today’s environment.If you would like to comment on this post, or start a topic in our Forum, please do.
Search for Beer & Brewervia your iPhone / iPadApp Store or on iTunes.