Having poured 12,198 beers, kegged 5,438 litres and served 553 bar snacks in vintage ashtrays over the past four months Moo Brew’s Hobart brewpub Manky Sally’s is now letting the public get up close and personal about how their award-winning brews are made.
After launching the brewpub back in May, Moo is now running brewery tours from Thursday to Monday at 2.30pm and 4.45pm at the Salamanca Place venue.
You can book a 30 minute tour, which includes a tasting paddle of four beers, via Manky Sally’s website. For bookings of more than 10 people contact beer@moobrew.com.au.

Moo’s head brewer Jack Viney said: “The crew at Moo are an inventive bunch. And, with almost 18 years of beer ideas to work through, the smaller tanks at Sally’s allow us to take risks on brews with unexpected flavour combinations such as Black Forest Stout, Pineapple Guava Sour and Yuzu Green Chilli Gose.
“We’re excited to offer an inside look. Letting people get up close is the next step in Sally’s evolution. We might even crowd-source some ideas – we know our punters have a visionary streak too.”
Photo credit: Jesse Hunniford. Images courtesy Museum of Old and New Art, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.