The Mad Brewers over at the Malt Shovel brewery have been at it again, with their new creation. Wee Highlander, due out of the tanks very soon.
The brain child of team member Hamish McArthur, the brew pays beery homage to his Scottish heritage and as such is a Scotch Strong Ale – otherwise known as a Wee Heavy. McArthur’s family tartan also adorns the logo on the new release.
According to the brewery, the beer uses crystal malts and has undergone an extended boil to create a high degree of caramelisation in the brew-house wort. The resulting brew is reportedly red in hue – check out the pic below from the brewery’s blog – and has a very pronounced malty, caramel, roasted
malt flavour. With minimal hop character to accentuate the maltiness, the brewers have also tossed in a small amount of peated malt to add light
smokiness to the brew, as well as malted oats to add depth.

With a slightly higher ABV – 6.7% to be exact – the brew is ideal for hunker down with under a woolly blanket as the cold weather sets in.
The Mad Brewers recommend sticking with the Scots theme and serving the brew in a thistle-shape glass.
Wee Highlander is to be released on tap in late April.