5April 2011

Ok it was few days late, but yes this was an April Fools joke. One B&B reader caught us out on Facebook almost right away… Even so, the guys at Nail Brewing really had people going with this one! Well done…

Last week Perth’s Nail Brewing Australia (www.nailbrewing.com.au) was granted patent for arevolutionary magnetised fermentation. Magnetised fermentation can minimise fermentation and conditioning time from 14 days down to 6 hours. Not only does magnetised fermentation dramatically reduce beer fermentation and conditioning, it stabilises the beer and mimimises the chance of bacteria infection and oxidation, which results in increased shelf life and improved product.

The benefits of magnetised fermentation include:

  • A huge 98% reduction in beer fermentation and production time.
  • Minimizes oxidation
  • Improves filtration
  • Improves beers shelf life by 5-20%.

Magnetic effects induced in ethanolic fermentation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain results in balanced implosions accelerating the fermentation cycle while eliminating many problems. The genius behind the discovery, Professor Cindy Butcher said, “Once the process started to work, everything just clicked into place like a natural reaction. The world of brewing will never be the same again.

Nail Brewing Australia’s brewer John Stallwood said, “This is a great day to announce the patent. The beer industry is just where the development has started but this magnetised beer can also be used for car fuel. Fifty litres of 4.6% alc full strength beer will supply as much engery as 50 litres of unleaded petrol. Unfortunately the excise on full strength bottled beer is about $1.45/litre which makes magnetised beer not add up financially. Many things on April fools day are a joke but high excise on beer is not a joke but a fact. Australian microbreweries paying over $1.45/litre for bottled full strength (4.6%alc) beer or about 50c/330ml stubby is damaging the 120 microbreweries in Australia. Microbreweries want to employ people but cant afford it and therefore cant grow.”

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